Monday, September 26, 2011

My Blink-182 Retrospective

As I've probably said already Blink-182 is my all time favorite band. I remember the first time I ever had the pleasure of listening to them, I was in 5th grade and my cousin was talking about this band he heard on the radio. He really liked them and thought that I should listen to them if i ever got the chance. A few days later I had the opportunity to hear them on the radio. A couple of months later the two of us actually tried AND succeeded in getting copies of their "Take Off your Pants And Jacket" album, however, due to the umm... let's say "nature" of some of the lyrics, we ended up having our cd's taken away....

ANYWAY regardless of that event, I hadn't forgotten about Blink-182 and in the years after that incident I remained a fan and bought as many albums as I could.

The first one I bought was their self titled one from 2003. I loved the entire album and it inspired me to reclaim my "lost" cd and eventually buy all the ones that came before.

Now I was a happy little Blink fan until the fateful day came when I heard that they had broken up...I remember how shocked and deeply saddened I was about this turn of events. I even cried for a bit. However, hope was not lost because soon enough Angels and Airwaves and +44 came out. I bought their albums too and although it wasn't Blink, I found myself loving those unique sounds which were born from the death of my favorite band. Of course years later Blink got back together and once again I was a happy camper!!

Well after that looong trip down memory lane, I feel compelled to discuss why I like Blink-182 so much. It is because of their lyrics. Blink has such depth and I honestly don't think people give them enough credit for that. A lot of people that I've spoken with refer to them as either the "all the small things guys" or "those guys who ran naked for some reason". YES they sing "All The Small Things" and YES they ran around naked for the music video of "What's My Age Again" but they are so much more than that. SO MUCH MORE. There is a hidden level of meaning behind a lot of their songs. Take my favorite song by them "Everytime I Look For you", there is so much within that song, so many stories that can be told and it can be interpreted in so many different ways (interesting fact about me, that song is what inspired me to want to teach myself to play bass...which I do, badly). Another example would be "Stockholm Syndrome" so much meaning behind such a short song. Its amazing really.

I suppose one could gather that I relate to pretty well to almost all of their songs. Blink-182 is much more to me than just some band. They are an inspiration with words of wisdom. Words I can and probably will always relate to.

I can't really convey how excited I am about their new album "Neighborhoods" which comes out tomorrow. I've heard two songs off of that album: "Up All Night" and "After Midnight". These songs build upon the sound that their 2003 album had and really demonstrate the growth that Tom, Mark, and Travis have gone through musically. I know I'm doing an awful job of conveying that, however this post is just a trip down memory lane and doesn't really have much in the way of a review. I can guarantee that once "Neighborhoods" is released, and I have had enough time to process and digest the album thoroughly, I will be reviewing that album and all of their albums (even Angels and Airwaves and +44's albums).

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great day!!

I figure it couldn't hurt to place some links to the songs I've mentioned. Who knows you just might like them if you don't already.

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