Tuesday, June 11, 2013

E3 Thoughs So Far

Well about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I finished my second to last semester of college. As a result, I have gone into what I can only describe as "Decompression", which pretty much means I have become rather lethargic and am being completely lazy about everything. You wanna know something though, hearing about E3 and being very interested in it allowed me to get out of this total lazy streak of mine and now I believe I have something of substance to write here.

This E3 I found to be quite important for all 3 major companies. Can Sony really deliver on the hype and positive hopes for their Playstation 4? Can Microsoft make their Xbox One seem less.....how should I say, umm...Stupid and evil? Can Nintendo gain some respect in the industry as opposed to constantly being called a failing company that is on its way out? Well I have good news, great news, and a rant. I want to make one thing clear though: I openly admit that I have unbridled love for both Nintendo and Sony. I grew up with them and they gave me my childhood and teenage years. I am less partial to Microsoft. Though I will admit that in this current generation, the Xbox 360 is without a doubt the best console. The controller is great and the online interface is amazing. Hell, I enjoy playing games on it. Let me reiterate that I enjoy playing GAMES on it.

Alright allow me to begin -ahem-


I watched their conference last night (6-10-13) and for the first hour and 20 minutes, I was pretty damn bored. I was uninterested in a lot of what they were saying because it was not about GAMES. They talked about the Vita a little bit, mentioned the Playstation 3, showed off a couple of trailers here and there, but overall, I was bored out of my damn mind. I wanted to know about the Playstation 4, I NEEDED to know more about it and then it happened. They finally showed the friggen thing and I was so impressed. For one, I love how sleek and thin it is. I hated how in this generation, Sony and Microsoft made these morbidly obese consoles that were bulky and cumbersome. They were way too big in my opinion and I'm glad to see that Sony decided to make their console much smaller.

They showed off a few trailers that got me hyped. Final Fantasy XV seems to be promising though I won't put too much hope into it since XIII is, well, terrible in my opinion. But regardless, the game looks great and I'm glad to see that Square-Enix hasn't abandoned the ideas they had with Final Fantasy Versus XIII and chose to evolve into the next installment in their long running series. Kingdom Hearts 3 was shown, FINALLY!!! That one I'm excited for since the damn storyline has to conclude. It's getting way too ridiculous in my opinion. I enjoy the games but they are getting more and more convoluted. I was really impressed with 2 games in particular, Infamous Second Son and Destiny. The demonstrations that were shown impressed me with how great those games look to be. Not to mention that at the very end of their presentation, they announced a $399 price tag, the console has no restrictions on used games, and it does not need a constant internet connection YEAAAAH EVERYONE GOT HYPE IN THE AUDIENCE..FUCK YEAH SONY!!!

So with Sony, I am incredibly hopeful. They clearly made a gaming device that caters directly to us, the individual gamer. They are not trying to restrict us in any way or give us features that we do not want. Sony has made a next generation console that emphasizes the game and the developer. Things can only get better for Sony in my opinion. I know I'm definitly getting a Playstation 4....probably a few months after it's released....damn me for being broke


As a Wii-U owner myself, I have to say I am pretty dissappointed with the lack of available titles on the console. Sure, it has a robust selection of classics via the E-shop and Netflix is pretty damn awesome on it, but there really isn't much to play. Welp, ALL of that changed with their Nintendo Direct earlier today. A HUUUGE plethora of trailers were shown, all of which can be found on youtube and other sites. I am particularly keen on Bayonetta 2. I have not reviewed Bayonetta 1 yet and I do plan to do so, but until that day comes know this: I FUCKING LOVE BAYONETTA. I love the super fast and slick combat, the sexy protagonist, the humor, the levels, utilizing witch time in order to cripple your foes and the epic-ass boss fights. I LOVE THIS GAME and being able to see a sequel got me so hype that I could not stop screaming about it for like an hour. Of course another game by Monolith Soft is in development and as far as I can tell, it doesn't have a name, so I guess it's to be known as X for the time being. That game looks pretty good too, but I wanna see more before I can pass judgment. Monolith you have my interest, I know damn well you can deliver, so take your time with this baby, ok?

Naturally, since this was a Nintendo press conference, first party Nintendo games were the main focus. I won't go into all of them but I will highlight things that got me super excited. Mega Man in the next Smash Bros game, 'nuff said. Another Donkey Kong Country game (I hope this game has much better controls because I hated the ones in the first game) with Dixie back in it, and Super Mario 3D World. I am somewhat on the fence with this one. While the game looks to be a lot of fun and beautiful, it borrows heavily from the 3DS title, Super Mario 3D Land, a game that I did not enjoy very much due to its laughably easy difficulty. Though I will say that the ideas and levels within the game were some of the coolest I have seen in a Mario game. So hopefully Nintendo makes this one more challenging.

Nintendo definitely brought their A-game and pretty much said "Hey we messed up with the Wii-U launch and we have been real slow to deliver on the great games, but all that will change now" and for that I am happy with Nintendo. Honestly I am probably gonna be flat broke with the release of all the games they are releasing within the next year. I'm gonna need a job....or sell blood or something.


Well ever since they announced the Xbox One, I have been so disgusted at Microsoft. Yeah at their conference, they announced Halo 5 and Forza, and whatever other exclusives out there, but to be honest, I don't care about the games. The console that they spent all this time promoting has been such an insult to gamers. How can you as a company make the greatest gaming machine of this generation and make something so blatantly asinine that essentially boils down to a slap in the face to the gamers that love the Xbox 360? Granted, they have some pretty interesting ideas. A seamless transition from gaming to television is cool but you should NOT make that your console's main strength. What happened to catering to the gamers, you know, the people who MADE YOU A SUCCESS THIS GENERATION?! Why would you build a device that needs a fucking camera hooked up at all times, that needs a constant internet connection (albeit for a check in that is required at least once every 24 hours) and make this fucking shit cost 500 dollars?! (and don't even get me started on the used games bullshit!!) I don't know what Microsoft is thinking. But I do know that their die-hard fans will buy their console but THAT'S IT. Most gamers are gonna shit to the Playstation 4 and be happy. So Microsoft, I hope you enjoy being in last place next generation because your Xbox One just does not have anything remotley interesting to me. In fact as a gamer, it insults me. -Whew- I need a drink after all that.

So yeah those are my thoughts on E3. I know this is a bit long but hey, I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Regardless though, this year we're seeing a lot of great games announced, so no matter what we gamers will be the real winners of this so called Console War right?

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