Monday, December 31, 2012

So it's New Year's Eve.....yeaaah

It's been a long time since i wrote anything. Too long if you ask me. I haven't given up on this here blog, I just haven't been in the right mindset to really sit down and write. 2012 to be honest has been a real shitty year for me. This past semester has been one of the most difficult I have ever had to force myself to push through. Simply put I'm worn out from all the bullshit of class, papers, exams and such. I guess I should explain just why this semester was so bad, even just a little.

Well the first reason is that early in this semester I lost someone that I loved, my Father to be exact. He passed away in October. I won't delve into all that but it's been really difficult having to go to class with this on your mind. Try taking tests or doing readings for a class....It's not easy. I found myself not caring. I was still trying to process just what the hell happened. I learned one thing though, though your world may be shaken and stop the real world that YOU are a PART of does not stop. Oh nooo that bastard keeps moving at it's pace and you can either give up on keeping pace or try even harder to keep up. Essentially it's sink or swim. Thankfully I was able to swim, albeit slowwwwwly and lazily. What I went through is something that everyone will suffer through in one way or another so take comfort in this. Where there is loss there most certainly will be gain. I'm glad to say that in my loss I gained a lot back. I got old friends, people that I stupidly cut out of my life, back. Things may be sorta weird with us but I'm glad I at least can talk to them. So yeah though the times may be dark, there inevitably will be a light. Just gotta keep walking till you find it. It can get pretty dark though but never give up. Play Earthbound and you'll know exactly what I'm saying.

Anyway tragedies aside, The next reason for my lack of posting is the amount of stress I had with my classes. I only took 4 this particular semester but Goddamn did I have a lot of reading and writing to do. While i wasn't doing that I was dreading about future readings and exams and stuff. Simply put after having to read and write for so long the last thing I would wanna do is sit here and write some more. Maybe that's lazy? I dunno. But I definitely was in no mood to write. Ironically though taking classes that specialized in television and film styles sort of re-awakened this feeling in me to wanna write about different medias. In fact I wanna do more than just write, but well let me not stick my foot in my mouth with that because knowing me it'll be like 17648579 years before I get started on any of that.

As for what I have been doing in my spare time, I played some games, obviously! Watched a couple of movies (literally a couple i have only seen 2 Dredd 3D and Django Unchained- which was so damn good). I have listened to new music as well. Blink-182's Dogs Eating Dogs is like the most beautiful and orgasmic thing my ears have heard all damn semester. Of course a very special person bought me A Lot Like Bird's CD Conversation Piece, which if you like post hardcore I strongly recommend because this shit is blowing my mind with the beautiful noise (yeah I just called screaming beautiful noise...hmm note to self, If I ever make an Album call it Screaming Beautiful Noise). Oh and then Nintendo Power ceased publication which makes me feel old and that a huge part of my childhood just disappeared. But uhh at least it went out with a bang!!! (and I helped with that!!!!!!!! More on that later) I also watched The Sopranos which has been a huge means of relaxation to me as well as a fantastic piece of television. Damn I really miss watching Tony beating someone up....
still got it baby!!! I think this is from the episode where he has food poisoning

Anyway It's New Year's Eve and as such people tend to have resolutions. Now usually in the 21 years of my living I never had a good one. Well I have 2. The first is this. The blog I mean. i wanna do more with it. I wanna be more active with it and dammit I'm gonna make sure I am. I'm gonna do some more things than just reviews, I'm gonna give it more of a personality. Something. You'll see....all the like 5 people who check this lol. The other resolution I'll keep to myself. But anyway please keep checking back on this stupid little blog of mine. I got some grand ideas and unless some more tragedy or laziness strikes me, it wont be too long before you see. Anyways take care, thanks for reading, and above all spend your holidays with your loved ones. Friend and Family alike. Till we meet again!!


-Django Unchained was an amazing movie....go watch it..NOW seriously go NOW NOW NOW. HURRRRRY ok ok I'm done...bye

seriously go watch it

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