Thursday, June 28, 2012

This Isn't A Review

Ever since my vacation started I found that it's become extremely difficult for me to properly write anything. I have a lot of drafts started. I've taken copious notes and stuff down in my little notebook but I can't seem to string things together. Maybe it's because of the MASSIVE backlog of games that I have facing me everyday that just scream plaaay meeeeeeee plaaaaaaaaay meeeeeeeee (imagine a creepy old man voice or Scooby-Doo villian when you read that). Maybe it's because whenever I'm on vacation i tend to "decompress" (like George Costanza) to such an extent that I get too lazy to do anything (even play games....ohh noo). Or it could have something to do with the overabundance of ideas that I've had. Things for reviews and other purposes that I've put on the back burner for when I have more time to focus on them. Now that I have the time I just feel totally overwhelmed with both good ideas and laziness (quite the difficult combination. I feel like a scientist that just does NOT want to put on his lab coat to like split an atom or something...If that makes ANY sense at all). However I have found in recent times (like yesterday) that if I relax and just play a fun game, I feel a lot better. My head does not feel cluttered with ideas and I can start to form topics and want to write. Of course that's where my laziness comes into play which explains why I'm writing this a day later and after my shower (which tends to give me a LOT of great ideas and observations for some reason. I dunno there's just something about standing in running water butt-naked that gives me great material to work with. Honestly I don't know why. It just does).

One thing I have wanted to do with this humble little blog of mine is demonstrate how far video games have come. If you're a fan of games like I am and have been playing them for as long as you can remember than I'm sure you can relate to this. I feel that video games have slowly been becoming more than just art, but rather the new frontier for some great story telling. But what I have noticed is that only in recent years have video games actually gotten some proper recognition in this aspect. My personal opinion is that video games are far superior to any movie for these reasons:

1) Video games are not limited to a 2 hour time limit, unlike most movies (unless Peter Jackson is involved then it gets pushed to like 5 hours), which allows the writers to properly flesh out themes and character development that they want.

2) Video games are able to engage their audience in a far greater way than movies by not only immersing them into a new world, but, through the controller allowing them to interact with the world and thus develop a connection.

3) When someone plays a video game it's usually done in the comfort of their home. As opposed to being in a dark room that may or may not be filled with a bunch of people that are either talking or using their phones during the movie, which if you ask me is a HELL of lot more annoying.

Anyway what I'm trying to say here is that I feel video games are so much more than simple little distractions. Also just to clarify I don't hate movies or going to a movie theater. What I do hate is what has happened to the industry. It's all about making money not telling stories and entertaining your audience. Not to mention the lack of anything really spectacular to watch. I mean look at how many movies are made nowadays that are based off of books or are remakes of older classics, or are copies of movies that were released not only a year ago (I'm looking at you snow white movies seriously what the hell was that about?). I think Hollywood has tapped out of creativity in their desire for money. I know the ultimate goal of any industry is money but the way I see it is that you need to make a quality product first and to do that you need to put your heart into it and come up with something completely unique. Now with that said, I am trying to get more into independent movies. Or movies that do not get a nationwide screening (as those movies tend to have the heart I look for in media), but that is pretty difficult for me since well I don;t exactly live near any of these theaters that show them. So I'm kinda stuck with Hollywood or games and I think you know what I choose.

When it all boils down I'm not someone who thinks video games are never wrong. What I feel is that they possess much more heart and polish that Hollywood seems to have forgotten all about. That's what I really look for in media. I don't care if it's on television, in a book, a movie, or a game. As long as there is heart behind it I'll always appreciate the effort. I noticed now I keep saying "heart" just to clarify, when I say heart, I mean that there's an effort that isn't fueled by money. The effort is purely for making a great story and telling it in the best possible way they can. For now I'm gonna focus on talking about games that I feel demonstrate this quality. I'm not giving up on movies though. But for now I'm gonna talk more about games since well I love them and have been neglecting them here on my blog. You can expect some interesting views on them as well as something a bit different that I'd like to start. Anyway hopefully I did not come off as some all movie hating person but I do hope that you can see where I stand when it comes to games and stuff. Well thanks for reading and have a great day.

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